
Friday, March 17, 2006

Happy St. Sugar-- I mean, Patrick's Day

I haven't wanted to do anything but eat, sleep, eat, knit, eat, knit, eat, sleep or eat this week. I've been watching a lot of Food Network, especially Everyday Italian. I love Giada! Which reminds me, I forgot to buy Nutella at the grocery store today. BUMMER.

I didn't manage to plan anything for St. Patty's Day, but it all worked out anyhow. Our nutty neighborhood leprechaun left bags of chocolate coins in the boys' car seats this morning, so they were nicely hyped up on sugar by the time we got to the store. The grocery store didn't have any shamrock cookies left, so we got cupcakes with shamrock sprinkles instead. After I put away the cold stuff, my mom took us out to lunch. As if the coins, cupcakes and the chocolate pudding that came with their kids' meals weren't enough, we followed lunch with a trip to a fancy dessert and gift shop. Once again, the shamrock cookies were sold out. So Puffer got a little bag of Sour Patch Kids and Grouper picked out a few chocolate pansies. My mom and I ate chocolate-covered strawberries.

By the time we were ready to leave, a lightening storm had started up and it was pouring rain outside. We crept into the fabric store next door so I could lust after adorable brightly-colored one-of-a-kind baby bedding. Must. Learn. To. Sew.

When the sun peeked out between the dark clouds later this afternoon, I sent the boys outside to look for rainbows. Sure enough, a full-sized rainbow could be seen from our backyard, stretching across the dark-grey sky. The boys were so excited that they hardly noticed they were being drizzled with rain. They tried to find the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, but I think the leprechaun beat them to it.


  1. I started the day at 5 am, spouting off proof of my Irish heritage to dh (can 3 hours of sleep be my excuse?) and then did not wear green or put the kids in green! That just ain't right, dawg. So we're ending the day with green Shamrock shakes from McDs. Happy St. Sugar's Day!

  2. LOL. We did remember to wear green! We also listened to The Chieftains this morning while the boys ate Lucky Charms. I couldn't convince them that Irish Stew would be nice for dinner, though.

  3. Oh darn - well, one time dh way overate the corned beef I made for SPD, and got sick. Now he won't eat it at all. Phooey!


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