
Thursday, March 30, 2006

Apparently I'm nesting.

Yesterday, as I attempted to take a break by crashing on the couch with Giada, I wondered WHY I was so worn out and cranky. Dumb question.

I haven't napped since Sunday, and that was after entertaining eight children during Sunday School. I also managed to plant half a dozen perennials and completely clean out the fridge over the weekend.

Monday I went grocery shopping and worked on the diaper bag I'm knitting. It rained all day Tuesday, so we had a leisurely day inside. I did laundry, moved summer clothes into the boys' new dresser, baked four dozen cookies and made a big pot of soup to take to our friends whose baby boy was born Sunday night. Yesterday I did a quick cleaning of the house before my friend Emily and kids came over to scrapbook. When they left, I did some more cleanup, then dragged the boys to Home Depot to buy plants before it started raining again. Still had that credit to use, and I wanted to get veggies in the ground while it was still soft. I knew I wouldn't be able to shop AND plant during the same stretch of sunshine.

We skipped the park today and hung out in our backyard for nearly five hours with our gardening buddies. Mark and I worked on our respective vegetable patches while the kids played on the swingset, in the mud, on the trampoline, and in the nude. It was sunny and beautiful right up until 2:30 or so. Now it looks like it's going to rain again.

I forgot how much work it is to start a new planting bed. I pulled up all the weeds intertwined with the sweet peas and dug up the grass next to the swingset, worked the soil, and finally got to plant. I got the basil, cilantro, Italian parsley, lettuce and Roma tomato in the ground. I'll have to get to the rest of the tomatoes, bell pepper and onions on Saturday. Plus the ferns and cyclamen I got for under the tree.

Right now I'm waiting for the boys to be done in the bathtub so I can finally shower. Tonight I get to eat free food at a Pampered Chef party! Yay!


  1. Gee whiz girlfriend I'm tired just reading that!! And a little jealous. I'd be planting at least flowers right now if I weren't uprooting our entire life in only a month. Hopefully that nesting instinct slows down so you can rest up in May! :)

  2. Woo! You HAVE had a busy week! Your garden sounds absolutely delightful and it inspires me to get out there and prepare my own vegetable patch!

  3. You must live in the northwest, since it has been raining like that where I live too! I remember going to a pampered chef party when I was near term...I ate and ate and didn't feel guilty at all. It was FANTASTIC.

  4. I wish I were in the NW! But I'm in California, and it ONLY rains like this in the spring, so I can't really complain!

  5. Has it been awhile since your last post or is it just me? Are you so busy nesting you have no time to blog? Or are you beyond nesting and just too busy with your new baby to blog? Hope your doing well, I am sending blessings and love your way...

  6. lol, thanks for asking, dapoppins! I've been wanting to blog, but it seems I only get five minutes at a time online lately! Then at night my back hurts too much to sit at the computer. I'll post soon.


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