
Monday, January 09, 2006


The waiting room of the ultrasound office was filled with mothers and daughters. Little girls, baby girls, and mommies. Not a boy around. As we waited, UberDad and I wondered if it was a sign of news to come. Visions of pink paisley nursery bedding danced in my head. But I was also prepared with a couple boy names just in case.

When we finally got in, the baby tried to hide. The ultrasound tech had to poke and prod repeatedly to get a view of the tell-tale sign that we're having ANOTHER BOY!! He was curled up on his tummy, using the placenta as a body pillow, but we got enough of a peek to see the evidence. UberDad was very very quiet. He'd really been hoping for a little girl who would adore her daddy like the boys adore me.

After my appointment with the doctor (everything's totally normal), it was almost lunchtime. I suggested we go across the street to the restaurant we couldn't get into on Saturday night. UberDad remained somewhat sullen while I threw out all the reasons why another boy would be good. Then I realized what I had to do. We'd been debating names for the last week. He had a first and middle he really liked, but I was afraid the first name was too popular. We had some other possibilities, but none that he was super excited about.

I decided to tell him him he could name the baby what he wanted. It worked. He cheered right up, finally decided to call his mom and share the news, and started dreaming about having his own four-man Palma relay shooting team.

So, there we are, three boys. Now I have to go find some knitting patterns for cute baby boy things!


  1. Ohhhhhh I'm so excited for you guys! I know Daddy had been thinking of a girl, but I've gotta tell you - those boys of yours adore their Daddy for sure! I can't wait to see Little Man #3!! Congratulations!

  2. Anonymous9:37 AM

    Dearest daughter,
    Congratulations to both you and my favorite son-in-law! Mom


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