
Tuesday, January 24, 2006

My blog is so lonely.

I was beginning to wonder if no one was reading me anymore, since I haven't gotten any comments since before Christmas, when Brad informed me that I'd (inadvertently) turned on comment moderator! So, it's now off, and I apologize for any comments lost in Blogger Neverland since then. I can't seem to find them.

Please come back and send me some love!


  1. Here's a quickie just so you know you're being read.

  2. Anonymous11:07 AM

    Yay for comments back!

    I am really enjoying Typepad, I do not regret the change, although I do like Blogger for some things. I find I have a lot more time for blogging now that I'm with Typepad, and now that I'm spending less time tinkering with templates in Blogger.

    And I really like the look. Typepad seems so organized and clean to me. Blogger can be too, but you have to know your codes and I just don't have time for that.

    BTW, I love your template here. I love the fish, the color and the design (theme), it struck me the very first time I visited last summer, how cool it was.

    Thanks for stopping by!

  3. Anonymous11:12 AM

    ps... it wasn't a hassle at all, and yes, folks still can find me... at least the ones who matter... ;)

  4. Thanks, everybody! I feel loved again. ;)

  5. Anonymous11:49 AM

    I still read! I'm here! I'm here!

    Are you going to need another fishie added to your design? ;)

  6. Hi Laura! I wondered where you were hiding! Yes, I'd love to add another fish in June. :) I was afraid I might have to start from scratch if you weren't available. I'm so glad you're still reading!


Talk to me! I love your comments!