
Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Dr. StrangeLove and the Disappearing Dad

Could someone explain to me how my 4.5 and 3 year-old children, who haven't seen their doctor in two years, could have suddenly invented the all-too-familar "Doctor" game completely on their own?? They've been chasing each other around the living room saying, "I need to check on your penis! I'm the doctor!" since dinner.

Hmm, maybe taking them with me to my ob appointment last week wasn't such a great idea after all...

On a completely different note, I'm watching my friend's son all week since her ex-husband, who watched their son during the day while my friend worked, decided to leave town indefinitely with no notice. Dropped some toys on her doorstep after bedtime on Sunday with a goodbye note for their three-year-old. Seems that after less than a year of caring for his son for 40 hours a week, it was time to do something for himself. But don't worry, he wrote his son, Jesus will take care of you and your Mommy.

EXCUSE ME??? Is that what he considers Christian ethics?? Go do whatever the heck you want, leave your son with no notice after he's been used to spending all day with you, and call it FAITH?? Oh, well, your son has been baptised now and has godparents, I guess your work is done. Yes, Jesus WILL take care of my friend and her son, with the help of her friends and family, and her own faith and hard work. And the COURT will be terminating your parental rights since you think so little of your paternal responsibilities.

AARGH. Please pray for my friend and her son, that getting full custody and child support goes smoothly, and that the trauma for this small boy is somehow lessoned as much as possible. So far things have gone well at my house, but it's only been two days.


  1. *Unbelievable* that he'd just up and leave like that. :'( I don't even know what to say to that, honestly. How traumatic! Thank God for a devoted mother and wonderful friends!

  2. That is so sad. :( I know there are a rare few, but I really don't think males are cut out to be stay at home parents, they tend to go nuts way faster than the females! Then again, there aren't alot of other stay at home dads so its just not set up to be that supportive for them. not that THAT is his excuse...I'm just sayin....

  3. Hmm, well, there's a stay-at-home dad who reads this blog who might have a response to that... I don't think he ever "goes nuts." *I* on the other hand, went nuts before 9 a.m. this morning. When the whining begins before I've even had my tea, it's not a good start to the day.

  4. I have to agree with John. This man's decision had nothing to do with his gender and everything to do with lack of character.

  5. Needless to say, Jocelyn, as a stay-at-home parent who is a male, I find your comments offensive. But you did give me material for a blog entry of my own. You can see it here.

  6. GOod lord, i certainly didn't mean to offend. I didn't know my comment sparked so much anger, I'm sorry! I based my comment on two stay at home dads who I know couldn't handle it after more than 3 years and went back to work. I didn't mean for that to be an excuse for this guy at was just a tangent and I am good at going off on those. I am sorry for offending.

  7. Brad I would appreciate if you could remove my comment from your blog entry. That is not who I am about.


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