
Saturday, September 17, 2005

Something smells STINKY

Grouper came to me this morning to announce the arrival of something "messy" in his underwear. No, he's not potty-trained. He refuses to use the potty. He also generally refuses to wear diapers. But he LOVES his Power Ranger underwear, and makes sure I keep up on the laundry he creates.

Anyhow, so we're in the bathroom getting him cleaned up, and he says, "Eew, something smells STINKY." And I say, "Yep, that would be the poop." And he says, "No, I think it's Emma." As in, Emma the cat, who was innocently sipping water from the bathroom sink.

Apparently, denial of the stench of our own crap begins early.


  1. Anonymous10:24 AM

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  2. Oh too cute. Yet stinky. :)

  3. Oooh, look, Crankenpants, my first blog spam! Looks like I might finally have to secure the comments section a little more. Bear with me while I figure this out...

  4. Oh Cool you turned on the word verify, I think that will help.

  5. What a cute story! Aren't they funny with the affinity they have for what comes out? Not grossed out at all -- just matter-of-fact.

    And then to blame the cat! Spectacular! Reminds me of my little one breaking my hairbrush about six months ago and blaming it on her plush toy ladybug.


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