
Wednesday, August 31, 2005

My living room no longer resembles a skating rink.

Hooray! The sofa and love seat are here! They're cushy and comfy and have New Couch Smell, which is otherwise known as toxic outgassing of fabric protectant spray. Well worth it, considering their first official use was by a naked 2-year-old and his artificially-colored bubble gum.

We got home from the first park day of the season to discover that they'd been delivered while we were out. I made the boys take a bath since they were filthy. And then Grouper was ready for a nap and Puffer was ready for some cable. So, no one sat on them all afternoon until Grouper woke up while I was starting dinner.

Some day I'll get photos posted. They're very cute!

1 comment:

  1. Yay I wish I could come see them and let my almost 3 yr old put that fabric protection to the test too. ;) If you find a good couch cleaning product let me know. I have washed all the protection off of our couch from too many pen scribbles all over it. :(


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