
Sunday, June 26, 2005

TCS updates!

Hey, Taking Children Seriously finally has updates!!! Not that you care, but I might be busy reading them tomorrow. I haven't been talking very nicely to my boys lately. I could blame PMS, but that would only cover yesterday. Yesterday was really bad. I was fine at 2 p.m. But by 7:30 I was yelling at them to go play in the other room and stop being so freaking loud 'cause I wanted to watch the end of "Lemony Snickets" and I couldn't hear a thing. When I calmed down I realized they probably felt like the orphans in the movie. Neglected, unwanted, abused. So, yeah, I could use some scolding myself.

1 comment:

  1. LOL my dear cousin, your boys will be alright and probably love you anyway when they're older, and not blame you one bit for wanting a few freaking minutes of quiet. I haven't watched a movie in peace in ages and I only have one rowdy child. The other one just fusses occasionally.

    Anyway I have a blog now too but its not anything with a purpose or philosophy and I feel like I have to apologize to you for that???? Anyway here it is:


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