Has anyone seen my sense of humor? I swear I used to have one, but I haven't seen it anywhere for weeks. I really hope it shows up soon. I'm terrible about looking for lost things. Sometimes I become so terrifed that my favorite whatever-it-might-be might be lost forever that I go straight into denial and don't look at all. Other times I have such strong faith that whatever-it-might-be will return, I completely deny the necessity of searching. Usually this is my keys, and usually they show up within five days. It's really not that much of a bother.
My husband, on the other hand, looks frantically and blindly for TEN WHOLE MINUTES before assuming his wallet/cell phone/whatever has been STOLEN, and calling to cancel all credit cards/report stolen phone/schedule appt for new license photo. And then I find it under the dresser the next day while vacuuming.
My sense of humor might have returned. My keys, on the other hand, have been missing for a week. BUT -- I did find Scott's wallet and all his cancelled credit cards safely inside. The hair on the top of his head, he notes dryly, does not appear to be returning soon.
Seems to me you've got your sense of humour with your tongue - firmly in your cheek! Sounds like you had a great holiday.