
Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Taking my own advice

I'm happy to share that I've managed to do my Pilates video twice in the last three days. Pray I keep it up, so I can actually wear the jean shorts I just bought with my birthday money...


  1. Yeah Mommy I can't even get a walk in twice a week. Stupid weather!

    Is it the Windsor videos? My dad has those should I borrow them are they good?

  2. Anonymous10:03 AM

    Hey Cranky, I tried posting on your blog but I'm not sure it took. The video I'm using is the Pilates for Dummies, which is kind of lame, but it works for now. I prefer the Gaia videos. Here's hoping your noses and weather clear up so you can go shopping for one.

  3. Yeah your comments took. I have it setup that I have to approve them or I get a lot of casino spam.


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