
Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Speaking of health care...

We've been doing a lot of reading the last few weeks since being struck again by nasty winter viruses. Head cold turned bronchitis turned severe sinus infection... and then just as I was starting to feel better, I poisoned myself with cold ham and spent an entire weekend going between the couch, the bathroom, the bed, and the bathroom.

But as my house fell apart, and my boys went stir-crazy, I managed to feed my brain, and even my soul with some interesting, intelligent writing. I'm currently in the middle of "Ruthless Trust: The Ragamuffin's Path to God" by Brennan Manning, "How Would Jesus Raise a Child" by Teresa Whitehurst, "The Book of Learning and Forgetting" by Frank Smith, "The Highly Sensitive Child" by Elaine Aron, "The Middle Mind" by Curtis White, and "Affluenza," which I mentioned in my last post. Of those, "The Middle Mind" is the most intelligent, "Affluenza" is the most interesting, and "Ruthless Trust" is the most nourishing.

Other stuff: Started new childbirth series last week with one hospital-bound couple, should be interesting. AND... two new babies born this week! My friends Kelley and John are proud first-time parents to baby Jack, born Feb. 8. And baby Rebecca Michelle was born on Valentine's Day! to proud parents Kate and Ken and big brother James. The boys and I are planning to go visit Rebecca and family in their new home in Palmdale as soon as possible. Congratulations to all!

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