
Friday, July 16, 2004

Snails, found and lost

Yay, snails!  Hoorah, Kate! You came to our rescue and provided not one, not two, but 10! slimy, pooping snails for my dear firstborn child.
Now my only concern is that they all turn up dead or disappeared tomorrow morning.
My boy spent all afternoon examining and caring for three of them.  Five of them were still hiding in the tall weeds between the garage and the water spigot where we left them just before lunchtime.  Don't know if they'll ever come out. Two of them were squished and left to the ants. I'm not sure how that happened, but when I told Snail Lover that they were injured and likely dead, he cried bitter, guilt-ridden tears.
The last three we put in a pot with some very wet mud late this afternoon, hoping it would not dry out too quickly.  We'll have to give them more water in the morning.  If they don't make it until them, I'm not sure what further damage will be incurred in my child's heart.
Maybe if I tell him they're in heaven with Boompa, it'll help. He misses Boompa, but he trusts that heaven is a nice place to be.  Only problem is, I'm pretty sure Boompa still gardens.

1 comment:

  1. I love this stuff! It makes being so far away from the boys that much easier. They are truly valuing plants and creatures. It seems my closest friends are ones who grew up with some kinesthetic, real-life relationship to Nature. It must be an important part of developing non-commodified relationships. Good job, Sis'!


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