
Saturday, August 25, 2012

The summer trio

That's my Littlest boy there in the middle. He turned 6 in June.

On the right is his homeschooled buddy from across the street. He's 8. His family moved in across the street from us six months before he was born, so he and Littlest have been friends awhile. They have a standing afternoon playdate at 3 o'clock most week days.

On the left is his little friend from next door, age 7, who moved in this spring. She and Littlest have played together almost every day since. She saved him from a summer of complete boredrom while Mommy was on self-imposed bedrest waiting for his baby sister to be born. I vaguely remember her being in our house while I was laboring, too.

This week Littlest's Girl Friend started second grade at the public school around the corner, and brought home two hours of homework every day -- which left very little time for playdates. And Buddy was on a camping trip all week with his family.

Boy, did Littlest miss his friends! (Thank goodness Mommy decided to start homeschool this week, too, or it might have been worse!)

But today was a reunion of the summer trio. They spent all day in and out of the house, playing games, sharing stories from their week, and generally making up for lost time. And I finally took their picture.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Baby pics: She's here!

Oh, friends! Has it really been that long since I've blogged? It has. So much to catch up on, where to start?

Baby is here, of course! And doing beautifully. She arrived five days after my due date, on July 24, at 12:59 p.m., weighing 9 pounds, 5 ounces, and measuring 20.5 inches. She was born in the birth pool in our kitchen.

(The kitchen is... well, mostly finished. I'm still not ready to do a full reveal. I'll probably get the nursery tidied and do that first. But I know what you really want is baby pictures, right? So, here we go...)

These were all taken by my friend's not-quite-13 year old daughter, Mary. Little baby E was 10 days old, and I think she handled her first photo shoot quite well, considering it was time for another nap.