
Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Highlights of our Christmas weekend

Okay, I titled this "Highlights," and then I went a little nuts uploading photos, so forgive me...

Christmas Eve day, while the nana, mama and auntie did some last minute shopping and wrapping, Papa engaged the boys in a nice long game of Risk -- over hot chocolate, to keep up their strategizing energy, of course. (UberDad was busy with his measuring tape and table saw, and still is.)

As it turns out, I absolutely did not die from not having a finished kitchen for Christmas.  Imagine that.  ;)  And, thanks to the generous hospitality of my brother- and sister-in-law, neither did we have to eat take-out!

Instead, we had a delicious spread of homemade Mexican food -- three kinds of enchiladas, tacos and nachos. Everyone's plate looked different! (Though I was too busy eating to take pictures of the food.)

After dinner, some of the adults indulged in beverages, while the boys played a few sober games of chess...

Middlest amused himself with my camera, taking pictures of the dogs and his cousin...

Some gift-giving was in order, of course...

I'm not sure how our gracious hosts escaped the camera -- my only excuse is that I was too distracted by a raging sinus headache and, well, my sister-in-law's chocolate pie.

Then, early Christmas morning...

Eldest was up before anyone, as usual. He patiently waited for the rest of us to greet the sun. Scott's mom was up next, then Scott. My parents brought over coffee and scones; my sister brought more presents.

My sister and Middlest opened their stockings while we waited for the last sleepyhead.

And the Littlest slept on...

And, here we go!

Do you think we get a little too happy about presents??

Then it was time to play...

RC cars, Legos, more Risk, and a few dozen rounds of Uno before dinner...

It was a very, merry Christmas.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Yes, Auntie Cheryl, I'm still alive!

I hope your Christmas has been merry and bright!

I am so grateful for the full 12 days in which to celebrate and rest (and catch up on a little blogging!) As odd as it was for our local schools to be in session all the way up to Christmas Eve, it sure is nice that Scott doesn't have to go back to work until after Epiphany. I've been pretty sick this month, but expecting to be back to health by the New Year!

Joyfully anticipating Christ's arrival...

This was my kitchen the week before Christmas. Oven and sink installation are on hold due to a back-ordered part -- but we're making progress, folks!

Not much baking this month, but we did make "Rice Christmas Trees" with M&M "ornaments," and shared with our neighbors!

And then Mema arrived! This was the first Christmas in three years that Scott's mom was able to fly out from South Dakota to be with us. We took her to our favorite local burger and ice cream place, and then to see the Christmas lights at our local zoo.


It was so fun to watch Littlest that night. We didn't go last year, and he barely remembered it from the year before, so everything was new and exciting. We had to ride the carousel twice, of course.

That's all for tonight. I'll save Christmas weekend for another post. This Mama needs some rest.

I hope you're also finding time to rest in Christ after the busy-ness of Christmas preparations and celebrations!